Kids Quick Clinics


Sick Kid

New Service-Kids Quick Clinics

At Creek Road General Practice, we understand that kids can get sick unexpectedly, and how stressful it can be to find an appointment with your GP.

For this reason, from Monday 17th of Feb 2020, we will be running Quick Clinics for unwell kids every weekday morning at 8am. There is no need to make an appointment – you just turn up with your unwell child and they will be seen by one of our experienced doctors for a short consultation. These appointments are perfect for reviewing children with fevers, rashes and other acute problems. We can also assess if your child is well enough to go to school or daycare.

Depending on demand on the day, there may be a short wait for your child’s appointment.

Please note: this service is currently available to existing patients and is not for routine age health checks or chronic conditions. As always you can make a normal appointment by ringing us on 3123 4829 or booking through our website